Category: Arts

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PrettyChilledGuy went and got himself a mustache, and let me tell ya, it looked like a bloody shit stain on his upper lip!

Yo, listen up, mates! Gather 'round, 'cause I gotta tell ya a tale that's gonna make ya laugh till ya cry. You remember PrettyChilledGuy, right? Well, he went and got himself a mustache, and let me tell ya, it looked like a bloody shit stain on his upper lip! Now, this ain't no recent news,...


Takeiteasy/Dennis here, the self-proclaimed king of the universe

Oh, great, we've got Takeiteasy/Dennis here, the self-proclaimed king of the universe. Look at him, strutting around like he's God's gift to humanity. You know, this whole conversation is just feeding into his narcissistic delusions, but hey, why the hell not? Takeiteasy/Dennis, let me tell you something, you're the epitome of narcissistic personality disorder. Everything...

Why is Astrology Unhealthy? And why is Mel the Antichrist?

Why is Astrology Unhealthy? And why is Mel the Antichrist?

A disturbing trend as of late is the female preoccupation with astrology. Like the ancient Chinese melting their ant-like brains using the divination text the "I Ching" to dictate their actions on a daily basis, charlatans like Mel use astrology to not only confuse, but also mislead unsuspecting Christ lovers into reading about devil worship...

A Treatise on Proper Vaginal Healthcare

A Treatise on Proper Vaginal Healthcare

As of late we (the greater family and Epikchat community) have noticed a particularly pungent smell emanating from a woman who we truly care for. This necessitates not only a difficult conversation, but also a health lesson that we believe will provide benefits to the broader community. Having excellent vaginal health is something that should...

Astrology for Dummies

Astrology for Dummies

The study of astrology has existed since the third millennium BCE. It's been used to predict political events, wars, economic cycles and even marriages. Currently, it's widely used as a way to interpret someone's personality, life changes, and even appearance. The following guide is helpful for beginners to catch a glimpse of themselves per their birthdate:

Title: Embracing Impotence: The Art of Failing Spectacularly in Bed

Title: Embracing Impotence: The Art of Failing Spectacularly in Bed

Introduction: In a world obsessed with virility and sexual prowess, it's time to turn the tables and celebrate the beauty of impotence. Yes, you heard me right! Forget about the stiff performances and the pressure to perform like a goddamn porn star. We're diving into the realm of sexual inadequacy with pride and gusto. So, buckle up, you limp-wristed losers, as we explore the wonders of impotence and how it can revolutionize your sex life.

The Battle of the Simps

The Battle of the Simps

It's not uncommon for socially inept chatters to fall into the spiral of simping. The effects of lurking people's cameras in a dark room whilst inebriated can lead a person to behave in an unsavory way. Masturbation is a common side effect of simping, as well as people experiencing financial woes and broken hearts. However, recent events in EpikChat have revealed that a new consequence of simping is conflict.