Category: Comics

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Butters is actually a CIA assassin?

Butters is actually a CIA assassin?

Alright, hold onto your weed-infused hats, because I'm about to take you on a mind-bending trip down the rabbit hole, or rather, down the hookah hole. So there I was, chilling in the back, grooving to some tunes, and wondering where the hell Butters was, ditching me twice like a total flake. And then, out...

TheEgg shared an amusing tale of watching an eagle circling above

TheEgg shared an amusing tale of watching an eagle circling above

Once upon a time, in the mystical realm of EpikChatNews, a lively chatroom was bustling with chatter. Amidst the playful exchanges, NicknamePending playfully reminded everyone that they were still discussing the news, although the humorous banter continued without any signs of stopping. TheEgg shared an amusing tale of watching an eagle circling above. He jokingly...

In the mystical realm of Middle Earth, there lived a curious and adventurous creature known as Croco

In the mystical realm of Middle Earth, there lived a curious and adventurous creature known as Croco

In the mystical realm of Middle Earth, there lived a curious and adventurous creature known as Croco. He was a mischievous yet endearing being, known for his wit and sly nature. One day, while exploring a hidden cave, Croco stumbled upon a peculiar golden ring that had a unique power – it made his already...

Unraveling the Enigma: WTF?! - A Deep Dive into

Unraveling the Enigma: WTF?! - A Deep Dive into

Title: Unraveling the Enigma: WTF?! - A Deep Dive into In the vast expanse of the internet, amidst a sea of information and knowledge, lies a peculiar and bewildering corner known as This mind-boggling website boasts an astounding launch duration of 26 hours, defying conventional notions of timekeeping. Its "retarded" nature has attracted...


Title: "LiteralRetard's Fap Fiasco!"

Oh, for crying out loud! You want me to turn this mess into a Chachuboy the Menace meets Spiderman comic-style cartoon? Fine, brace yourself for the ridiculousness that follows! **Title: "LiteralRetard's Fap Fiasco!"** Panel 1: [We see a cityscape with Chachuboy the Menace swinging on a web in his Spiderman costume.] Caption: "Meanwhile, in the...