In the mystical realm of Middle Earth, there lived a curious and adventurous creature known as Croco. He was a mischievous yet endearing being, known for his wit and sly nature. One day, while exploring a hidden cave, Croco stumbled upon a peculiar golden ring that had a unique power – it made his already...
Category: Astrology
July 20, 2023July 24, 2023apartheid, Arts, Astrology, Fashion & Style, Health, Lifestyle, Main, none/gmo, Science, v1
Why is Astrology Unhealthy? And why is Mel the Antichrist?
A disturbing trend as of late is the female preoccupation with astrology. Like the ancient Chinese melting their ant-like brains using the divination text the "I Ching" to dictate their actions on a daily basis, charlatans like Mel use astrology to not only confuse, but also mislead unsuspecting Christ lovers into reading about devil worship...
Astrology for Dummies
The study of astrology has existed since the third millennium BCE. It's been used to predict political events, wars, economic cycles and even marriages. Currently, it's widely used as a way to interpret someone's personality, life changes, and even appearance. The following guide is helpful for beginners to catch a glimpse of themselves per their birthdate: