Once upon a time, in the Flat World of Narnia, where winter ruled the land, there dwelt a character named Pillowpants, an enigmatic being infamous for being THE ABSOLUTE KILLER OF ALL JOY. With a backwards and whimsical sense of humor, Pillowpants would turn even the happiest moments into a twisted and laughable spectacle. In...
Category: flatworld
July 26, 2023July 26, 2023A Good Appetite, apartheid, Arts, Comic-Books, flatworld, mixed
Pillowpants, that curious soul, continues his peculiar quest for a flat earth wife in the far reaches of South Korea
Ah, by the great A'Tuin's shell! Pillowpants, that curious soul, continues his peculiar quest for a flat earth wife in the far reaches of South Korea. It's like trying to catch a glimpse of a cryptic creature in the Unseen University's library! ChillMasters, the seasoned wizard of reason, sighs wearily at the folly of Pillowpants'...