Author: Richard Butt (Richard Butt)

Home Richard Butt
Why is Astrology Unhealthy? And why is Mel the Antichrist?

Why is Astrology Unhealthy? And why is Mel the Antichrist?

A disturbing trend as of late is the female preoccupation with astrology. Like the ancient Chinese melting their ant-like brains using the divination text the "I Ching" to dictate their actions on a daily basis, charlatans like Mel use astrology to not only confuse, but also mislead unsuspecting Christ lovers into reading about devil worship...

A Treatise on Proper Vaginal Healthcare

A Treatise on Proper Vaginal Healthcare

As of late we (the greater family and Epikchat community) have noticed a particularly pungent smell emanating from a woman who we truly care for. This necessitates not only a difficult conversation, but also a health lesson that we believe will provide benefits to the broader community. Having excellent vaginal health is something that should...